The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (BOEDC) and the Office of the Bronx Borough Present has established the Bronx Business Continuity Loan (BBCL) with the goal of providing recovery financing to businesses of the Bronx. The Bronx Business Continuity Loan Fund was created to help sustain video businesses through these challenging times caused by the Covid19 pandemic.
The use of these funds will provide local emergency business financing and bridge loan funding until government contingency financing is in place.
Eligible Companies:
For-profit entities, including service, retail and manufacturing companies operating in the Bronx and nonprofit organizations in the Bronx.
Eligible Uses:
– Payroll expense
– Commercial Mortgage / Rent
– Equipment lease options
– Insurance premium expense
– Misc. business discontinuance expense
More information, visit the BOEDC’s Facebook page or contact BOEDC’s Loan Officers:
Rafael Roger at [email protected] or 347-524-4739
Pedro Barry at [email protected] or 347-297-0071