Our Home-Based Childcare Program aims to improve early childhood health and education outcomes in our communities through the home-based childcare setting.
WHEDco works with childcare providers through the following steps:
- Professional development and training opportunities for childcare providers in health, nutrition, child development, and program activities
- Providing regular monitoring & visits to each childcare provider to ensure that they are meeting childcare standards and to help them make improvements to their programs
- Providing technical assistance and ongoing support
- Training providers to implement elements of research-based curricula to meet the early learning and developmental stages of children, and to help parents be involved in their child’s development and success
- Training on bookkeeping, reporting, and tax filing for deductible business expenses
- Enrolling childcare providers in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) to help them serve healthy foods to children in care
- Filing claims for payment and reimbursement to help keep their businesses generating revenue
Home-based Childcare Business Development
HBCC offers all childcare providers -whether they’re licensed, registered, or legally exempt- comprehensive professional development training and licensing assistance so they can improve the quality of care they provide, increase their revenues, and grow their existing businesses.
Trainings are held in these topic areas:
- Family Daycare Regulations
- Health & Safety
- Child Development
- Nutrition
- Contracts & Policies
- Accounting & Taxes
- Marketing
- Liability Insurance
Read more about WHEDco’s Business Development opportunities here.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Click here to read an important notice for legally-exempt providers, and new pre-service health and safety training requirements.
Training Calendar / Calendario de Entrenamiento (Click calendar to register for classes)
For More Information:
Please contact WHEDco’s Home-Based Childcare Program (HBCC) at 347-708-7800.