WHEDco’s Early Childhood Discovery Center Celebrates its “Moving Up” Ceremony
Early childhood is full of milestones. From baby steps to first words to the terrible two’s, those early years are critical to a child’s development. And for parents and caregivers, perhaps nothing is more rewarding than seeing their child succeed.
On Friday, August 4, parents and caregivers of 111 children from WHEDco’s Early Childhood Discovery Center gazed proudly at the PS/MS 218 Auditorium Stage, as their kids “stepped up” to the next level. That’s 100% of the Head Start program’s enrollment! Of the total number of kids, 96 graduated and are going off to kindergarten, while the remaining 15 students are 3-year-olds moving up to the next level at the Head Start.
“There are not enough words to express how much I loved our experience in this program! The staff and teachers were always so attentive, and they were always communicating with parents about their children’s progress. My daughter learned so much. The teachers went above and beyond, giving them a positive, nurturing environment, which is so important at this stage in a child’s development,” says Yonka Paris, whose daughter Johana is moving on to kindergarten.
WHEDco’s Early Childhood Discovery Center, an EarlyLearn NYC Head Start program, serves 111 pre-school children each year. The full-day, full-year program offers a nurturing environment that allows children to develop confidence, think creatively, analyze information and communicate effectively.
Each year, 100% of the students graduate prepared for kindergarten, ensuring that they begin their school careers ready to succeed.
“What I loved the most about the Early Childhood Discovery Center was the personalized attention that my son and I received, and the support to our family. It was a beautiful experience, especially for families in need, like ours. We were fortunate to have this opportunity, and are very thankful,” says Julissa Vargas, Head Start parent.
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