Every family needs help to succeed!
Beautiful buildings alone do not transform struggling communities. Given the right tools, all families and communities have the potential to flourish. WHEDco’s family support services link families to the kinds of resources we all need to succeed, and provides ongoing support to participants.
Family support services include:
- Benefits Counseling: WHEDco’s family support staff help people to overcome poverty by accessing critical public benefits, such as: SNAP (food stamps); WIC referrals; cash assistance (PA, TANF, SafetyNet); Safelink and Assurance cell phones; social security; health insurance; citizenship and green card applications and renewals (plus fee waiver assistance); housing applications; Senior Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE); and childcare.
- Mental Health Counseling: All individuals and families experience crises at some point in their lives. WHEDco’s licensed social workers help people to cope with the stress that accompanies poverty, and to achieve stability and success.
- Legal Counseling: WHEDco offers legal counseling services in areas such as housing, immigration, social security, divorce, and family violence, among others.
- Support in Schools: WHEDco’s School Partnership Program places licensed social workers in Bronx public schools to engage families in their children’s education, health and well-being. By working one-on-one with the students, and holding individual sessions with the parent(s) as well as family sessions, WHEDco’s in-school family support staff address students’ social-emotional needs and behavioral issues using age-appropriate tools.
- Food Pantry: In order to help families weather tough economic times, WHEDco distributes healthy groceries through our community food pantry on Wednesdays.
To learn more about our Family Support Services or to ask for an appointment, call 718.839.1100.