Jerome Avenue Business Needs Survey
The Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDco) is a nonprofit community development organization founded on the radically simple idea that all people deserve healthy, vibrant communities.
Spurred by the proposed rezoning of Jerome Avenue and findings from our 2016 Commercial District Needs Assessment, WHEDco seeks a consultant to help us understand the needs of businesses located within the Jerome Avenue Neighborhood Study area. The study area for this study is the same study area defined by the NYC Department of City Planning (see map, below), plus a half-mile and one-mile buffer (excluding Manhattan).
Some of the questions we hope to answer with this study include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Business Owners: What are the barriers to local business growth or expansion? Where do customers come from? What challenges do business owners face?
- Workers: Where do Jerome Avenue workers live? How much do they make? What is their typical level of education and/or training? Do they receive employment benefits? Do they visit other local businesses? What challenges to workers face?
- Industry: What kind of training and services are currently available for local sectors (retail, auto, etc.)? What are significant trends in these industries in New York City?
The final report should present an objective analysis of the strengths and opportunities of the Jerome Avenue commercial corridor. The selected consultant will work with WHEDco and another partner organization to conduct interviews, focus groups, and develop recommendations for services to be developed for business owners and workers on Jerome Avenue.
Please submit proposals to Alix Fellman at [email protected] by Friday, May 26 – DEADLINE EXTENDED
- Preliminary data report (to be defined during scoping period)
- Draft report by June 30, 2017
- Final report by July 31, 2017
Budget: up to $20,000