WHEDco’s third affordable housing development in the Bronx, Bronx Commons, will be located in the Melrose neighborhood. To better understand and help meet the needs of the Melrose community, we conducted a community needs assessment focused on a one-mile radius around the Bronx Commons site, in partnership with Partnership for a Healthier Bronx at Bronx Health REACH. Carried out from 2013-2014, the community needs assessment included a survey of 1,000 people who lived, worked, or attended school within the one-mile radius. As a result of our findings, we began implementing targeted initiatives in 2015.
Below are some key findings of the survey:
- The median household income for Bronx County is nearly $35,000. Forty-two percent (42%) of survey respondents reported a household annual income of less than $35,000, while 18% reported an annual household income of less than $10,000. Forty-two percent (42%) of survey respondents reported employment as a primary source of household income.
- One-third of respondents with children are not satisfied with the quality of K- 12 schools, after-school programs, and early childhood education programs.
- More than 90% of respondents do not eat the recommended number of servings of fruits or vegetables per day. Only half of respondents agreed that they had access to healthy foods and to places to exercise in their neighborhood.
- There is strong interest in services focused on housing, employment/job training, computer training, continuing education, youth education and starting businesses/business training.
- Close to two-thirds of respondents do not think their neighborhood is clean or safe.
- Respondents stated they would most like to see fruit and vegetable vendors, an entertainment facility, and an indoor fitness facility.
- Entertainment, cultural institutions and community centers are among the top businesses/organizations respondents would most like to see.