How Does it Work?
The EarlyLearn NYC program places children from 6 weeks to 3 years of age in a WHEDco affiliated home-based childcare program. These providers are independent business owners that are monitored regularly. WHEDco offers EarlyLearn providers access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) to support quality early learning experiences for children. EarlyLearn NYC programs deliver developmentally appropriate activities that build children’s social and intellectual capacities, such as puzzle assembling, finger-painting, and various levels of motor exercises. EarlyLearn NYC also provides healthy meals and snacks that support children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive growth and development.
EarlyLearn programs operate Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.. Eligibility for full-time care is contingent on family needs and the requirements detailed below. Authorized hours of care are established based on reasonable relativity to work schedules.
Eligibility Requirements
Families applying for EarlyLearn services must meet the following requirements:
- Financial eligibility: Is determined by the family’s composition and gross income. Families that are homeless, in foster care, receive TANF/SSI or have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty guideline are eligible. (Only 10% of all available slots may be used for families over the income guidelines.)
- Social eligibility: Requires that the family have an approved reason for care. Approved reasons for care include: Employment, approved training or educational programs, preventative/protective services, and foster care. Verification is required for determining eligibility.
- Hours of employment: Must meet a minimum of 20 hours per week and employee must make at least the minimum wage. If the work hours vary, the employee’s work hours must average 20 hours per week over a 12 week period.
- New employees: May submit an application 30 days in advance of employment, and authorization for childcare may be authorized two weeks prior to employment start date.
What Comes Next?
After determining eligibility, WHEDco will match eligible families with licensed childcare providers from our EarlyLearn Network. If a family is determined to NOT be eligible for the program, then WHEDco will refer them to another agency may meet their needs.
To Apply
Please contact WHEDco at 347-708-7800