8th Grade NYC Public School Students Confront High School Application Challenges

By: Doug Williams

NEW YORK – November can be a stressful month for eighth graders in New York City public schools as they prepare to apply to high schools.

Some students in the Bronx and Brooklyn are taking steps to make informed decisions that will impact the rest of their lives.

With his white button down shirt and black bow tie, Wellington Nunez may not dress like a typical eighth grader. Maybe that’s because he seems to have the rest of his life figured out.

“I want to go to a high school that has to do with science, because when I grow up I want to be a veteranarian,” Nunez said.

He is taking part in WHEDco’s high school prep course at PS 218 in the Bronx. He said his prep, though, started in seventh grade.

“Seventh grade, I was thinking about high school,” Nunez said. “I had to have my grades high.”